Myocard SPECT
The program automatically calculates the well known Bulls Eye (Polar MAP) presentation of the activity distribution in the myocard of the left ventricle.
A reconstructed and reorientated stress or rest study of the myocard with a perfusion tracer is available. Gated studies can be processed as well as non-gated studies.
- Bulls Eye calculation is made automatically or under user control. Under user control the apex, base and the mid ventricle shape has to be marked before storing the calculation.
- Automatic estimation of ventricular axis and complete ventricular geometry.
- A quantitative comparison to different data bases of normal values are available.
- As a resource, a data base from a set of normal patient studies can be calculated.
- Installation of an extensive database, which offers the calculation of real defect size in % of myocard. Extent, severity and finally reversibility can be calculated as in Emory Tool Box with the same result display.
- The Wackers result screen is available as a nice feature for stress/rest comparison.
Ejection Fraction
The program automatically calculates the Ejection Fraction and all other results from a gated myocard perfusion study.
User control is possible.
- Calculation of Ejection Fraction, volume curve, end systolic and end diastolic volume as well as cardiac output.
- Calculation of wall thickening and wall motion polar plot.
- Cine display of myocardial motion and thickening. Presentation of midventricular wall perfusion or rendered surface is available.
- Combined result display for ED/ES perfusion polar plot and motion/thickening as known from the Cedars Sinai QPS/QGS package is included.
MyoQuant HS – Normal Database
Myocardial Normal Database for optimal cardiac evaluation. It is user editable and can be individually tuned for every system.
- easy to use
- processing of gated and non-gated studies
- user adaptable evaluation threshold
- perfusion database for non-gated studies
- result screens are presented SDS, SSS, SRS and Blackout Maps
- database consist of wall motion, wall thickening, diastolic and systolic perfusion for gated studies
- 17 segment model showing segment by segment in percent